Mission: Talk to mr Lyndon
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:For discreet applicants only
Objective:Talk to mr Lyndon
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Mission Terminal Assignments, Fort Troy
Nearest City:Fort Troy



Mission Chain




Mr Lyndon, Osere

So you have returned, I trust it went well?


  • Yes, no problem.
  • There was this automated message that played when I touched the sensor.



If you choose 'There was this automated message that played when I touched the sensor.':

Ah, yes.  The 'alarm'. Dont worry about that.  It's just a trick.


  • A trick?
  • Good.  I was worried there for a second. Now what about the reward?


If you choose 'A trick?':

Yes, it's just a con.  The electromagnetic anomalies around the volcano make it impossible to have an effective security system. So they have primitive motion detectors that activate an automated message.  If you are so stupid that you report to Genesis Star, you end up in jail or some barren rock in space.


It's about as effective as writing "you have been detected, report yourself to the authorites' on your computer in order to make potential burglars hand themselves in.  Poor bastards that fall for that trick.  Bad luck for them, goodluck for the gene pool.


Now, where were we ?

  • The reward?

Here you go.  My employer and I are very pleased with you.


We have another job for you if you're interested.


  • Sure, I'm interested
  • No thanks, I'll pass.


If you choose 'Sure, I'm interested', receive 125 Nova Fragments, and start 'Monitor Genesis Star Activites' mission.


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